Hello again everyone!
We want to make sure everyone is aware that there have been reports of people on property acting suspiciously. We know it isn’t possible to know everyone who lives at Citation Pointe, but there are some things you can do and watch for.
First, be sure that your vehicle is locked, and that there is nothing in it that would encourage someone to try to break into it. This includes such obvious things as cash, purses, and electronics, but also blankets, coats, or other items that could appear as though they are covering something valuable.
As to what to watch for, look for people who are walking around the parking lot looking at garages, looking at/inside of vehicles, and especially people who look like they are trying to open one or more vehicle or building doors. While it is possible that someone may have forgotten their car or building keys, people who are trying to break in will often act like that is what has happened.
Also watch for people who make it look like they are just trying to read bulletin boards or inspect anything on the property, especially for extended durations. They are trying to “act natural” until no one is around, but they are actually doing something unusual.
The key word is “watch”. Do not put yourself in danger by confronting someone. If you are not alone and you feel safe, you could ask someone if they need help with something. This can appear as though you are just trying to be helpful, but can make a person who is not supposed to be on property feel uncomfortable.
Once safe to do so, record everything you recall, including the date and time. Send that information to [email protected] as soon as possible.
Thanks everyone!